Chartered by the Branford Gun Club, Supported by the Branford VFW
Troop 633 Board of Review Overview
After a Scout has completed the requirements for any rank, he appears before a Board of Review (BOR). Its purpose is to determine the quality of his experience and decide whether he has fulfilled the requirements for the rank. General Information:
BORs will be offered at least quarterly although ad-hoc reviews can be setup at the committee's discretion. This ensures that scouts will be prepared and parents will know when to be available to volunteer for BORs.
The Scoutmaster or the Assistant Scoutmasters do not participate in a BOR. Only committee members and parents (unrelated to the scout) may participate in the BOR process.
It is the responsibility of the scout to request a BOR after they have completed a scoutmaster conference and have that rank advancement requirement signed in their scout book.
To schedule a BOR:
The scout needs to request one from the committee by emailing
Requests for BOR's must be filed no less than 2 weeks before a Court of Honor. Should a request be received after that point, the committee will do it's best to accommodate the scout however will not obligated to do so. All BOR's must be completed within 3 days of an upcoming Court of Honor to allow preparations for the Court of Honor. .
The Board of Review
No less than three adults not related to the scout will be present during the BOR. For all BORs scouts:
Should be in their “Class A” scout uniform and presentable.
Should have their Boy Scout Handbook available for review.
Will be asked to recite the Scout Oath, Law, Motto and Slogan.
Will be asked general questions (suggested by the BSA) related to their rank advancement and scouting experience.
After each BOR, the scout will be told if he has achieved the desired rank. If so, the rank advancement is immediate and the BOR date will be reflected in the troop records accordingly.
Boards of Review: An Overview for All Ranks
This section first covers board of review procedures for all Boy Scout ranks. It is followed by Particulars for Tenderfoot Through Life Ranks (or Palms)," ; and "Particulars for the Eagle Scout Rank,"
Purpose and Timeliness of Boards of Review
After a Scout has completed the requirements for any rank or Eagle Palm, he appears before a board of review. Its purpose is to determine the quality of his experience and decide whether he has fulfilled the requirements for the rank. If so, the board not only approves his advancement or Palm but also encourages him to continue the quest for the next rank or Palm. Because the board of review date becomes the effective advancement date, boards should be scheduled promptly as Scouts are ready or set up on a regular basis that assures Scouts are not delayed in beginning time-oriented requirements for the next rank.
Boards of Review Must Be Granted When Requirements Are Met
A Scout shall not be denied this opportunity. When he believes he has completed all the requirements for a rank, including a Scoutmaster conference, a board of review must be granted. Scoutmasters—or councils or districts in the case of the Eagle Scout rank—for example, do not have authority to expect a boy to request or organize one, or to "defer" him, or to ask him to perform beyond the requirements in order to be granted one. In a case where there is concern the Scout has not fulfilled the requirements for a rank as written, it is appropriate to advise the scout that he might not pass the board and to make suggestions about what he might do to improve his chances for success. It is, however, the Scout's decision to go ahead with a board of review or not.
Composition of the Board of Review
A board of review must consist of no fewer than three members and no more than six, all of whom must be at least 21 years of age. For further specifications, see Particulars for Tenderfoot Through Life Ranks (or Palms)," and "Particulars for the Eagle Scout Rank," Unit leaders and assistants shall not serve on aboard of review for a Scout in their own unit. Parents or guardians shall not serve on a board for their scout. The candidate or his parent(s) or guardian(s) shall have no part in selecting any board of review members.
Wearing the Uniform—or Neat in Appearance
It is preferred a Scout be in full field uniform for any board of review. He should wear as much of it as he owns, and it should be as correct as possible, with the badges worn properly. It may be the uniform as the members of his troop, team, crew, or ship wear it. If wearing all or part of the uniform is impractical for whatever reason, the candidate should be clean and neat in his appearance and dressed appropriately, according to his means, for the milestone marked by the occasion. Regardless of unit, district, or council expectations or rules, boards of review shall not reject candidates solely for reasons related to uniforming or attire, as long as they are dressed to the above description. Candidates shall not be required to purchase uniforming or clothing such as coats and ties to participate in a board of review.
Conducting the Board of Review
Most adults would admit to nervousness if told they were to appear before a "board of review." Imagine how a boy must feel. A certain level of formality and meaningful questioning should exist, but it is important that the atmosphere be relaxed and that the review is conducted with the Scout Law in mind. It may help if the unit leader introduces the candidate, and if a few minutes are spent getting acquainted. The number of "observers" at a board of review should otherwise be minimized. The Scout's parents, relatives, or guardians should not be in attendance in any capacity—not as members of the board, as observers, or even as the unit leader. Their presence can change the discussion dynamics. In cases where parents or guardians insist on attending a board of review, they should be counseled that their presence can change how their son addresses questions, and that the opportunity to further self-reliance and courage maybe lessened. For Scouts with special needs, accommodations will be made on an individual basis. In situations where—before a board is held—one or more members are of an opinion the Scout should be rejected, they should discuss their reasoning with the unit leader or others who know the Scout. Generally, a unit leader is closer to the youth; he or she may be able to present a different perspective and prevent an uncomfortable or unfair scenario. The BSA discourages mock or practice boards of review. "Practice" reviews may imply that board members will ask predetermined questions or that the board of review is anticipated to be other than a positive experience. Instead, the advancement committee should aim for unrehearsed, spontaneous answers revealing character, citizenship, and personal fitness at the boards of review.
Not a Retest or "Examination"
Though one reason for a board of review is to help assure the Scout did what he was supposed to do to meet the requirements, it shall become neither a retest or "examination," nor a challenge of his knowledge.In most cases it should, instead, be a celebration of accomplishment. Remember, it is more about the journey.A badge recognizes what a scout has done toward achieving the primary goal of personal growth. A Scout must not be rejected at a board of review for reasons unrelated to advancement requirements. For example, he must not be rejected just because he did not bring his Boy Scout Handbook with him or because he was tardy for a board of review, but the reason for his tardiness may certainly be a topic for discussion.
What Should Be Discussed
During the review, board members may refer to the Boy Scout Handbook, Boy Scout Requirements book, Scoutmaster Handbook, and other such references. The Troop Committee Guidebook, No. 34505, has examples of appropriate questions. A Scout may be asked where he learned his skills and who taught him, and what he gained from fulfilling selected requirements. The answers will reveal what he did for his rank. It can be determined, then, if this was what he was supposed to do. Discussion of how he has lived the Scout Oath and Scout Law in his home, unit, school, and community should be included. We must remember, however, that though we have high expectations for our members, as for ourselves, we do not insist on perfection. A positive attitude is most important, and that a young scout accepts Scouting's ideals and sets and meets good standards in his life.
A positive attitude is most important, and that a young scout accepts Scouting's ideals and sets and meets good standards in his life. A board is not required to record "minutes," but it is a good idea. Any such notes must remain confidential to the members of the board or to administrators with a need to know. They may be used in preparing a follow-up letter, should a Scout be turned down, and they can be helpful in an appeal process. In any case, once a review or appeal is completed, all notes must be destroyed. A board of review may be conducted posthumously if all the requirements were met prior to the Scout's death. See topic for more information.
Sample questions to be used by the board can be found (Here)
How Boards Can Lead to Program Improvement
Periodic reviews of members' progress can provide a measure of unit effectiveness. A unit might uncover ways to increase the educational value of its outings, or how to strengthen administration of national advancement procedures. For example, if it is discovered troop leaders are not assuring that all requirements have been met before Scouts present themselves for the board of review,then process improvements can be recommended. Aboard can also help by considering the style of leadership best suited to current circumstances and ways to adjust it to different needs. Note that boards of review may also be held for Scouts who are not advancing. Much can be learned from them, as well.
Board Members Must Agree Unanimously on Decisions to Approve
After the board of review the Scout is asked to wait outside the room or out of hearing range while the board deliberates. To approve awarding a rank or Palm, the board must agree unanimously. Every effort should be made to deliberate with careful consideration of each member's perspective, and in sufficient detail as to avoid factual misunderstanding. It is appropriate to call the candidate back if additional questions may provide clarification. Still, if any member dissents, the decision cannot be for approval. In the case of such disagreement, the Scout shall not be informed about the specifics of the conversations or any arguments taking place. As indicated below ("After the Review,"),he is told only how he can improve.
After the Review
If the members agree a Scout is ready to advance, he is called in and congratulated. The board of review date—not that of a subsequent court of honor—becomes the rank's effective date. If a board does not approve, the candidate must be so informed and told what he can do to improve. Most Scouts accept responsibility for their behavior or for not completing requirements properly. If it is thought that a Scout, before his 18th birthday, can benefit from an opportunity to properly complete the requirements, the board may adjourn and reconvene at a later date. If the candidate agrees to this, then if possible, the same members should reassemble. If he does not agree, then the board must make its decision at that point. In any case, a follow-up letter must be promptly sent to a Scout who is turned down. It must include actions advised that may lead to advancement, and also an explanation of appeal procedures. The council must keep a copy of the letter. After any board of review, the unit leader is informed of the decision.
Particulars for Tenderfoot Through Life Ranks (or Palms)
The preceding applies to boards of review for all ranks, but there are a few differences for the ranks other than Eagle, and for Eagle Palms:
The board is made up of three to six unit committee members—no more and no less. In units with fewer than three registered committee members available to serve, it is permissible to use knowledgeable parents(not those of the candidate) or other adults (registered or not) who are at least 21 years of age and who understand Boy Scouting's aims. Using unregistered adults for boards of review must be the exception,not the rule. Registered committee members familiar with the unit program, who have had a background check, and who are Youth Protection trained are preferred. Scheduling boards of review when and where committee members can attend usually alleviates the problem of not having enough committee members for a board.
For a Varsity Scout team, the committee member responsible for advancement, the advancement program manager (youth), and the coach serve on the board.
One member serves as chair. The unit committee decides how he or she is chosen. The chair conducts review meetings according to BSA procedures and reports results to the unit advancement coordinator.
The location should be comfortable, such as the unit meeting place, a camp, or a leader's home.
The review should take approximately 15 minutes,but not longer than 30 minutes.
Ranks and Palms shall not be presented until the signed advancement report is submitted to the local council.
If a Scout is to be reviewed for more than one rank(Tenderfoot, Second Class, or First Class), each rank should have a separate board of review. While these boards may be conducted on the same date, it is preferred—if feasible—that different members be involved on the boards to give the young man an enhanced experience and an opportunity to interact with a variety of adults.
Particulars for the Eagle Scout Rank
The particulars below pertain only to the Eagle Scout rank.
Council advancement committees must determine—and make known—method(s) for conducting Eagle Scout boards of review: whether unit committees or the council or district advancement committees administer them, and also how board chair persons are selected.
If conducted at the unit level, at least one district or council representative must serve as a member. If the unit requests it, more than one may do so.
There shall be no fewer than three and no more than six members, all at least 21 years old. They need not be on an advancement committee or registered with the Boy Scouts of America, but they must have an understanding of the rank and the purpose and importance of the review.
A board of review shall not occur until after the local council has verified the application.
The chair works with all involved parties to schedule the date, time, and place. Eagle boards are often held in more formal settings than a home or troop meeting site.
A board of review must not be denied or postponed due to unresponsive references. See "References Contacted,"
If a unit leader or unit committee chair fails to approve an application, the candidate is still granted aboard of review, but the lack of approval may be considered in the decision. See "Initiating Eagle Scout Board of Review Under Disputed Circumstances,"
To go over the application, references, and service project workbook, members should convene at least 30 minutes before the scheduled board of review.
Eagle boards generally last 30 minutes or somewhat longer. This is the highest rank a Scout may achieve;there should be a discussion of his successes,experiences, and future plans, but rarely should one last longer than 45 minutes.
An Eagle candidate may have only one board of review (though it may be adjourned and reconvened).Subsequent action falls under the appeals process.(See "Appealing a Decision,"
The Eagle Scout medal or patch must not be sold or otherwise provided to any unit or to the Scout, nor should the court of honor be scheduled until after the certificate is received at the council service center from the national Advancement Team.
An Eagle Scout board of review shall not be denied or postponed due to unresponsive references.
Eagle Scout Board of Review Beyond the 18th Birthday
An Eagle Scout board of review may occur, without special approval, within three months after a Scout's 18th birthday. If a board of review is to be held three to six months afterward, the local council must pre approve it. To initiate approval, the candidate, his parent or guardian,the unit leader, or a unit committee member attaches to the application a statement explaining the delay.
To hold a board beyond six months after the 18th birthday, the candidate, his parent or guardian,the unit leader, or a unit committee member must petition the national Advancement Team for authority to do so. The request must explain the reason for the delay, and it must be processed through the local council and sent to the national Advancement Team with a copy of the application. A position statement from the Scout executive, designee, or council advancement committee must be included.
It is possible for those who completed the requirements for the Eagle Scout rank in their youth, but never received it, to obtain credentials necessary for acquiring it. If a board of review was not held, and the individual met the BSA membership eligibility rules in effect at the time, then a board of review may be requested. In any case, all requirements must have been completed before age 18. Using the Belated Eagle Scout application, No.512-076 (see, evidence of completion must be submitted to the national Advancement Team through the local council where the individual resides. An Eagle Scout Rank Application signed at the time work was finished can serve as evidence of requirements such as active participation, Scout spirit, or positions of responsibility. Blue cards, advancement reports, or troop records may be used for merit badges. Because of their availability on the Internet, actual merit badges or sashes are not normally accepted. Only when documentation is verified as complete and compelling shall credentials be released or permission granted for aboard of review. Requirements in effect at the time of membership are used, but regardless the practices of the day, all must have been accomplished by age 18.
Initiating Eagle Scout Board of Review Under Disputed Circumstances
A board of review under disputed circumstances is available only for the Eagle Scout rank. It is held at the district or council level. Volunteers from the candidate's unit are not involved. It is indicated when a unit leader or committee chair does not sign the application, if a unit leader (Scoutmaster) conference is denied, if it is thought a unit will not provide a fair hearing, or if the unit leader or project beneficiary refuses to sign final approval for what might be considered a satisfactorily completed service project. The process outlined below, for a board of review under disputed circumstances, also applies in councils where Eagle boards of review a real ready held at the council or district level. If a unit leader or committee chair does not agree a Scout has met the requirements, then before a board of review is held, he or she should confer with the Scout and his parents and come to an understanding of all viewpoints. Guidance should also be sought from the district or council advancement chair to assure expectations are not more than are actually required. If the leader or chair remains unconvinced,then they may deny approval of the Eagle Scout Rank Application. In this case, the application is returned to the Scout or his parent or guardian, who may then choose to request a board of review under disputed circumstances. In any case, if a Scout or his parent or guardian has legitimate concern that a unit cannot deliver a fair hearing, one of them may write a letter explaining the reasons and request a board of review under disputed circumstances. The letter is attached to the completed Eagle Scout application and sent with the service project workbook to the council service center. The council advancement chair or staff advisor, or other designated volunteer or professional, should notify the unit leader or unit committee chair that the request has been received, and then guide the process through the council or district advancement committee according to local practices. After the board has met, the unit leader or unit committee chair should be informed of the decision. It should be rare that a council or district would deny a request for a board of review under disputed circumstances .However, the request may be denied if it is deemed frivolous, or any concerns about the unit's inability to deliver a fair hearing are deemed invalid. In that case,the initial board of review must be held according to local council practices (not under disputed circumstances).If that board decides not to approve, the Scout may appeal the decision (see "Appealing a Decision,"). Procedures for a board of review under disputed circumstances, including the option for the Scout or his parent or guardian to appeal the decision, are the same as for any Eagle Scout board. The members should be well versed in related policies and organized in advance so they can research background and facts. Written statements or telephone interview summaries must be obtained from the unit leader, knowledgeable committee members, a representative of the service project beneficiary (if applicable), and others familiar with the case. Every effort should be made to have balanced representation. Only review-board members and administrators with a need to know may see the evidence.The review is like any other for Eagle, but with extra attention to the concerns at issue. Afterward, all statements, summaries, or notes are sent to the council and then destroyed once any appeal efforts are concluded.Note that in councils where Eagle boards of review are already held at the council or district level, the time and effort put into researching the background and facts maybe the only real difference from a typical board of review. If a board of review under disputed circumstances approves a candidate, his application goes through the process as outlined under "The Eagle Scout Rank Application Process," The board must attach a letter to the application indicating it may be processed without the signature of the unit leader or unit committee chair, the date of the Scoutmaster conference if it had been denied, or the date of the final Eagle service project signature if that was at issue.
Appealing a Decision
If a board of review or a board of review under disputed circumstances does not recommend a candidate for rank advancement, only the Scout or his parent or guardian may appeal the decision to the local council. Adverse decisions for Star and Life ranks can be appealed to the local council. Should this occur, the national Advancement Team is available for advice only. Adverse decisions for Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, and Eagle Palms are not appealable.The National Council reviews appeals only for the Eagle Scout rank. All interviews, deliberations, conversations, and related details in summaries and statements are kept confidential to appeals board members and those assigned oversight, such as the designated appeals coordinator or staff advisor. Others' knowledge should be limited to overview information as required for reports to advancement committees.
Filing and Processing an Appeal
The Scout should have received communication from the board of review advising actions that could lead to advancement and explaining appeal procedures. If this was not received, the Scout or his parent or guardian should contact the council advancement chair, staff advisor for advancement, or the Scout executive to request it. To initiate the appeal, the Scout or his parent or guardian prepares a letter notifying the local council of the appeal. It should detail the reasons it is believed the Scout met all the requirements and should not have been denied.The letter is sent to the council service center, to the attention of the council advancement committee. The communication from the board of review mentioned above should be attached.
To assure all appeal requests are handled consistently throughout the council, they are first routed to the council advancement committee.
The council advancement committee, through its chair or a designated member or its staff advisor,coordinates the appeals process. This designated appeals coordinator's primary role is to get the paperwork in the right place and orient and guide those who will hear the appeal.
The council-designated appeals coordinator routes a copy of the request to the district or council advancement committee according to local practices.It is recommended that appeals of a unit decision go to the district, and those elevated from a district go to the council. This allows an additional step before the national Advancement Team is involved.
For appeals heard by a district, the district advancement chair and district staff advisor (usually the district executive) must agree on appeal-board members. The council advancement chair and staff advisor have the authority to approve them (or to call for different members)should they believe this action will lead to more equitable appeals consideration.
If the appeal is to be heard by the council, then the council advancement chair and staff advisor must agree on appeal-board members.
There shall be an odd number of appeal-board members—either three or five. A board chair may be one of these voting members, or serve additionally with no vote. All must be objective volunteers with thorough knowledge of advancement and appeals procedures. The council-designated appeals coordinator may be present and provide advice. No other guests, including the candidate's parents or guardians, are allowed. If the Scout is being interviewed, and the parents insist on attending with him, see "Conducting the Board of Review,"
An appeal board is not another board of review. It focuses only on the issues that brought about rejection at the lower level(s). A majority is sufficient for a decision.
If an appeal is rejected at the district level, the Scout or his parent or guardian may appeal to the council advancement committee.
If a council-level Eagle Scout board of review or appeal board rejects a candidate, then he or his parent or guardian may appeal through the local council to the national Advancement Team.
A decision at any level that finds in favor of a Scout shall be final. Units, districts, and councils are not allowed to appeal them. Similarly, decisions for rejection delivered through the national Advancement Team are final. For rulings in favor of a Scout, the date of the original board—not the appeal board—is the effective date of advancement.
Appeal Board Must Research the Case
To allow time to research background and facts, appeal-board members must be organized in advance. Written statements or telephone interview summaries are obtained from those with pertinent knowledge of the case. These individuals might include the unit leader and assistants, parent(s) or guardian(s), unit committee members, and, as applicable, a representative of the chartered organization or Eagle service project beneficiary. Every effort should be made to have balanced representation. Only appeal-board members and administrators with a need to know may see the evidence. If a face-to-face meeting with the Scout is impractical, extra care should be taken to collect information from his perspective. After the meeting, any notes are filed with the council and destroyed once the appeal is resolved. A written report setting out the details of the appeal and the reasons for the decision shall be prepared and forwarded to the council Scout executive.A copy is sent to the Scout who brought the appeal. Appeals to be forwarded to the national Advancement Team are processed through the local council.A designated appeals coordinator combines, into a packet, the Eagle Scout application and service project workbook (if at issue); all letters, statements, and interview summaries; and any reports or minutes from the original board of review and appeal board(s) held.The packet is covered by a letter from the Scout executive(not designee) briefly summarizing the facts and stating the council's position.