Chartered by the Branford VFW, Supported by the Branford Gun Club
Camp Sequassen 2024
Key Dates:
4/12/24 - Deposit or Full Payment (Register/Pay Here)
4/30/24 -Submit Merit badge choices. Delaying can result in classes being full. Click (Here)
Due at camp: Merit Badge Prerequisites (Click Here).
NOTE: Once chosen, contact Scoutmaster Mike
5/1/24 - CT Yankee Campership Form Due - (Click Here)
5/31/24 - Sequassen Alumni Campership App Due - (Click Here)
6/2/24 - Final Payment Due if not Paid in Full (Pay Here)
6/2/24 - Health Forms Due- for any scout whose physical occurred before July last year, a new health form which requires a physical must be submitted. After this date, Troop will no longer accept forms and parents must bring directly to council to secure their child's spot at camp. Forms along with full instructions can be found (Here)
6/14/24 - Code of Conduct Form (Here)
Arrival Date/Time: 7/14/24 12:30 PM - All Scouts!
Arrival Campsite: Hillside
Packing List: (Here)​
Additional Recommended Item - Bug Net For Bunk (Here)
Merit Badges
​Merit Badge Pre-Requisites (Here)
Merit Badge Choices P/Scout
Merit Badges w/ Extra Costs
​Archery - $2 plus tax
Basketry, $10-$15 depending on project chosen plus tax
Leatherwork - $5-$10 depending on project chosen plus tax
Metalwork - $5 plus tax
Shotgun Shooting -$15 (Arrange cash/check with treasurer or request an online paylink)
Welding - $20 (Arrange cash/check with treasurer or request an online paylink)
CELL PHONES - Cell Phones are not Allowed via 633 rules. Parent's, this is your responsibility to ensure they do not end up in camp. Scoutmaster Crystal, Dave and I all have our phones should you need to get in touch with us or if the scout really needs they can call you using our phones. We will try to hold them off until Tuesday night for calls but will allow them if really needed. This is a week to work together and detach. The new bathrooms have become a charging hangout which leads to issues. We see them, we take them!
Showers - We encourage and deeply appreciate if the scouts take showers frequently however, Wed. night is mandatory shower night. Please be sure your scout is packing soap/shampoo. As with all lakes, not showering after extensive use can lead to unwanted rashes.
THURSDAY NIGHT FRIENDSHIP FIRE NIGHT - All families are welcome to join us Thursday evening for our friendship fire. We will have some food/snacks which we share with our troop and others who may visit. Arrival time is 7PM. An an FYI it is also open program time so don't be surprised if your scout wanders in a little. Procedure is to check in at Alderman Lodge which you can easily access by taking a left instead of a right into the parking lot. As soon as you drive up the small road, on the right side is alderman.
Care Package
Send no later than Monday!
​Camp Sequassen, BSA
Attn: Scout’s Name, Hillside Troop 633
791 West Hill Road
New Hartford, CT 06057-4218
​Ideas For Care Package
1. Glow sticks.
2. Humorous cards.
3. Small snacks. T
4. Money for more slushy's
5. Forgotten items.
6. Small games and toys. Whether it’s Solitaire, Go Fish, or 52-Pick Up, there are far more than 52 ways to use an inexpensive deck of cards.
7. Other
Ideas for a "We really Don't Care" package (Funny)
Dirty Socks​
Opened candy wrappers with no candy
Canadian Penny
Clothing that won't fit
Do Scouts Have to Go?
A: ​While the answer is technically no, this is as close to a yes as it comes. Summercamp is the pinnacle of a scouts year regardless if they are a first year scout or not. Why? Here are some reasons:
Personal Growth - It allows them to grow into their own person. Being away from home with friends they know, following a schedule, etc. is a great opportunity for them. ​
Advancement -
For first year scouts, they are introduced to all rank requirements for Scout, Many for Tenderfoot & Second Class and a few from First Class. If they come each evening to an older approved scout or one of the scoutmasters, they can get signed off right there.
For older scouts, the possibility to come out with 4 merit badges and in some cases 5 is a tremendous opportunity!
Non Stop Fun - Where can we start. From the morning breakfast where skits/songs are performed by staff to troop competitions to free time there is something for everyone. Below are some examples:
Conquisitor - teams of 3 race in canoes by pattling with their hands to pirate island however the sea monsters (staff) are in the waters looking to "Swamp" their boat. First troop to get past the monsters win!
Fire Host Challenge - Troop on one side and another on the other side of a bucket which is suspended in the air on a line running across the waterfront beach on a pully. Each team has a firehouse and with high pressure water, the troop that can push the bucket to the other side wins!
Water Trampolines (Blue Swimmers) , Canoe's, Paddle Boards, Kayaks, Sailboats (older scouts), Log rolling, Swimming, and way more!
22 Rifle, Shotgun, Archery, Archery trap, climbing wall, zip line, and more!
Arts and crafts such as glow in the dark spin art, clay, other projects which gives the troop points!