Chartered by the Branford VFW, Supported by the Branford Gun Club
Hello, my Name Is Jon and I am currently working on one of my last requirements towards my Eagle Rank which is referenced as the Eagle Project. The Eagle Project is designed to make the candidate a "Project Manager" of a project which must benefit the community or religious organization. When I just started my scouting journey and signed up for my first merit badge, Bird Study, I never would have thought it would become a hobby and passion that it has become and the center of my Eagle Project. Please see the below for more information.
Fundraising is a major part of the experience as materials are expensive. While I have been going door to door to various stores, often store managers are not available to speak so we created a site which contains the flyer we left (see below) as well as an online payment option. We also wanted others who enjoy bird watching & trail hiking and may want to contribute to have a way to do so. When donating online, a receipt will be sent in near time to the email address used.